Spring Swimming Lesson Registration Postponed to April 2nd

We are experiencing an online payment error at this time. As a result, registration online, in-person, and over the phone will be postponed.

In fairness to everyone being able to register, no registration is being accepted at this time. We will move the new registration day to Wednesday April 2nd.

This issue is not something we or the City of Lethbridge can resolve directly. We are working diligently with our software provider to resolve this issue. We apologize for the confusion and inconvenience that this error has caused and will provide updates as soon as we can. Thank you for your patience and support.

Spring Swimming Lesson Registration Postponed to April 2nd

We are experiencing an online payment error at this time. As a result, registration online, in-person, and over the phone will be postponed.

In fairness to everyone being able to register, no registration is being accepted at this time. We will move the new registration day to Wednesday April 2nd.

This issue is not something we or the City of Lethbridge can resolve directly. We are working diligently with our software provider to resolve this issue. We apologize for the confusion and inconvenience that this error has caused and will provide updates as soon as we can. Thank you for your patience and support.

Admissions & Passes

Information on Swimming Admissions & Passes

Pool Swim Schedules

Visit RecEx Lethbridge for swimming schedules

Swimming Lessons & Courses

Register Online for Swimming Lessons & Courses

Private & School Rentals

Various Rental Packages Available. Request to book online!